Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Double Discrimination Exposed in The Color Purple Essay

African-American people have had to mount over many obstacles to get their standing today.nbsp; First was the selling of their people into slavery.nbsp; Then, they endured slavery itself, being treated like animals.nbsp; After slavery was abolished, colored people still had to deal with racial discrimination, demoralization, subjugation and hatred, especially colored women.nbsp; Black women have had to face unbelievable odds at obtaining self-assurance. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;African-American woman have had to deal with being black and female, a double-edged sword.nbsp; In her novel, The Color Purple, author Alice Walker introduces southern black female characters that not only faced slavery, but sexism, racism and†¦show more content†¦nbsp; The novel opens with an opening letter where we discover that Celie, the main character, was savagely raped by her father.nbsp; Such a bold beginning lets us know that Celies life is anything but ordinary.nbsp; The sanctity of the family unit, so important to the American way of life, is destroyed.nbsp; The shocking details of rape as Celie writes, are sad but a factual everyday occurrence.nbsp; Celie understands that as a black woman she is seen as worthless, having a meaningless existence.nbsp; There is no other way of life.nbsp; It is as if all black women are enslaved to the typical hell of exploitation, bigotry, and abuse.nbsp; The female characters are molded from pain and sacrifice.nbsp; As the novel progresses, the reader gets to follow Celie as she offered to a widower with four children.nbsp; The widower hesitates in getting Cellie, but after some encouragement and a cow, he agrees.nbsp; Implication here is that women are nothing but cattle and worthless.nbsp;n bsp; nbsp; The black male in the novel is depicted as cruel, brutal and evil.nbsp; He lives in a world where white man rules.nbsp; The pressures of being a man of little worth in such a world seems to be taken out on the black female.nbsp; Women are the scapegoats for all their vented frustration.nbsp; Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl represents this fate suffered by black women, when she states: nbsp; nbsp;Show MoreRelatedThe Cell Carcinoma ( Mcc )1110 Words   |  5 Pageslater renamed as Merkel cells. 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