Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Kind & Just Parent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Kind & Just Parent - Essay Example B. and has fundamentally focused on Mr. B.’s room in the detention center school. The experiences tell how juveniles in the urban regions enter into the world of crime and what environmental factors specifically bring the crime committing juveniles to their destination i.e. the detention center. The story tells that the Juvenile Court originally had the intentions of being a â€Å"kind and just parent† towards the prisoners (Ayers). However, it became difficult for the Court to achieve that as the differences between the urban youth crisis and the tendency of the Court to take action against that grew manifolds. As a result of this, the Juvenile Court failed to maintain its original image of a â€Å"kind and just parent†. However, in spite of that, the mentors of the detention center never gave up their efforts of assisting the imprisoned juveniles. The book presents a thought provoking argument that emphasizes upon a need to devise such standards for the juvenil e justice that are suitable for them as kids. Finally, the author presents few considerations regarding little children in context of the juvenile justice system. Through A Kind and Just Parent, readers are offered a transformative image of juveniles that are held in justice system. Such an image is hard to retrieve from the stories in news or other forms of media. Ayers has beautifully captured everyday life events of the juveniles. His work presents a well defined image of the life of a juvenile in the juvenile justice system. The characters of the book fully cover the three dimensions of fun, vulnerability and violence. Young people discuss their lifestyle, and analyze their conditions by comparing themselves to their friends. The reader thoroughly reviews the life of an imprisoned juvenile for a whole year in the school. The reader is also introduced to the teachers who convey their own perspectives. The teachers make the reader understand how the kids end up getting caught up i n the juvenile justice system. The teachers also emphasize upon a need to think rationally and straight about the juveniles and tell what role society can play in keeping the juveniles away from the world of crime. Keeping a child away from crime is a social responsibility of every responsible citizen. The author emphasizes upon a need to help juveniles stay away from committing crime. It is noteworthy that crime is a strong flavor of cheating that is ingrained in the very personality of every human being. Children may be taken to task for having stolen a thing from a shop, or in more severe cases, for having murdered someone. But what about cheating in exam that is considered by students a norm, rather than an offense? Millions of children cheat in their exams every year all over the world despite the ever increasingly tougher exam conditions and supervision. All we as adults, can do is to forbid the children from doing such things but there is little objectivity in our approach. S econdly, every person displays some level of indignity in his/her daily life activities. No one is perfect. To be realistic, people are too self concerned and self centered to care what a child in the neighborhood is up to. In the contemporary society, people have become so immune to social injustice that many hardly bother to set the pattern for a juvenile. Keeping a child away from crime is not a one hr job. Indeed, it requires years of nurturing, education and supervision to make the child comply with the advice of an adult. If there is

Monday, February 10, 2020

Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing - Essay Example The principle of the disc diffusion method is that when a filter disc is impregnated with a chemical that is placed on the agar, the chemical in the agar diffuses around the disc. The solubility of the chemical and its molecular size determines the size of the area if chemical infiltration around the disc. When an organism is placed on the agar around the disc, if it is susceptible to the chemical then there would be no growth around the area where the chemical is diffused and this area is called as the "zone o the inhibition". This inhibition can be measured and compared with a standard control strain and normal tables, Stokes and Kirby-Bauer method respectively. The factors that affect in this method are the concentration of the bacterial inoculums, the depth and types of agar, the incubation conditions and the time of incubation. All this factors should be always taken into account while performing the test. An alternative test that can be performed is the determination of the amount of antibiotic required to either inhibit the growth of organism or to kill the organism which is done by incubating a fixed concentration of the organism in increasing concentrations of antibiotics and checking for growth after 24h of incubation. The as3. Methods. The assigned culture was swabbed onto the agar plate in three directions for maximal coverage. The plates were allowed to settle for 10 mins, followed by impregnating the antibiotic discs by pushing the dispenser over the agar. The antibiotic and the disc code were noted and the plates were kept in incubator at 37C. 4. Results. The results obtained from Test 1 and Test 2 are displayed in Table 1 and 2 respectively. RESULTS: TEST 1 RESULTS: TEST 2 5. Discussion: Antibiotic susceptibility of given strain was determined by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Disc diffusion method is widely used across the laboratory to determine the effect of any anti- microbial agents like antiseptics, antibiotics, bactericidal or bacteriostatic compound etc. To avoid any lab to lab variation standardized protocol was developed that was recommended by National Committee for Clinical laboratory standards like Meuller-Hilton Agar is used as growth medium; plates will be incubated at 37C for 18-24 hr, while turbidity of bacterial suspension will be set at 0.5 McFarland method or 1.0 OD by spectrophotometer. The biggest advantages of disc diffusion method over other methods are that it is rapid, efficient, cost effective and reliable. While there are certain limitation of this methods like any variation in cell number, incubation time, diffusibility of antibacterial compound, media etc, which leads to very high variation in final results. Similarly, it gives only quantitative idea and determination of bactericidal concentration or MIC need to be back calculated. For pathological determination serum to antibiotic ratio must be taken in to consideration to evaluate effective dose. In this practical, we evaluated three cultures for its Antibiotics susceptibility against various antibiotics. Among these Pseudomonas